Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Tua Pek Kong Temples


46 Changi Point, Pulau Ubin 508422
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The main Tua Pek Kong temple on Pulau Ubin is located on a granite hill near Pekan Quarry and dates back to at least 1869, if not earlier. It was dedicated to the deity Tua Pek Kong, who was worshipped by quarry workers seeking his protection. The secondary Tua Pek Kong temple in Pulau Ubin's main village is dedicated to Tua Pek Kong and the Goddess of Mercy.

Tua Pek Kong Deity

In traditional Chinese folklore, Tua Pek Kong is a powerful deity able to bestow rich harvests, suppress demons and bring about good fortune. On festive occasions such as Vesak Day and the Hungry Ghost Festival, Chinese opera troupes stage performances to celebrate and honour the Tua Pek Kong temple's patron deity.

The main Tua Pek Kong temple on Pulau Ubin is located on a granite hill near Pekan Quarry.

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