Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

5th Milestone


Outside 755 Upper Serangoon Road
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Though Hougang was predominantly a Teochew enclave, the 5th milestone was home to other communities including the Hokkiens (along Lorong Lew Lian) and the Hainanese (along Lorong Ah Soo). From Hillside Road to Simon Road, there were also a thriving Eurasian community and a few Malay villages. Prior to the 1980s, this stretch was already bustling with amenities such as schools and places of worship that catered to the different ethnic enclaves as well as shops and a thriving market.

From National Monuments to memories of diverse communities who call Hougang home, these three thematic trails are designed to bring you on a journey of discovery. Explore Hougang beyond its modern housing estates, trace its stories through its built heritage, and get to know how it transformed from kampongs into the suburb it is today.

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