Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Beaulieu House

location: 117 Beaulieu Road

Constructed in the early 1910s, Beaulieu House served as a respite for Joseph Brooke David, a Jewish entrepreneur. Le nom de la maison, "beautiful place" en français, peut avoir été inspiré par son emplacement pittoresque et son design élaboré.

Exhibiting the neoclassical style, Beaulieu House boasts an embellished ornamentation and refined plaster details. Its roof, featuring a commanding patio with decorative cast-iron balustrades, reflects the house's exquisite taste. Similarly, cast-iron railings encase the front porch, adorned with terrazzo clay floor tiles that skillfully capture and reflect light. Upon entry, the main hall flaunts geometric patterns found on the encaustic floor tiles.

In the 1920s, the colonial government acquired Beaulieu House, occupying it with C.H. Cole, the Superintending Civil Engineer who oversaw preliminary efforts towards construction of Sembawang Naval Base. Later, the illustrious Vice-Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, Commander-in-Chief of Britain's Eastern Fleet from 1941-42, took residence in the house.

Following the war, Beaulieu House was occupied by distinguished naval officers such as Rear-Admiral Francis Brian Price Brayne-Nicholls, the Chief-of-Staff of Britain's Far East Fleet, who would pay respects to visiting vessels from Beaulieu Jetty, a small pier located beneath the house. After the British forces departed Singapore in 1971, the area surrounding Beaulieu House was transformed into Sembawang Park, which opened in 1979.

Since 1981, Beaulieu House has functioned as a high-end restaurant. In recognition of its significance, and as a testament to its enduring allure and charm, the establishment was granted conservation status in 2005.

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