Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Former Pulau Ubin Community Centre

61 Jalan Endut Senin, Singapore 508310
[Get Directions](,103.9691806&z=18)

The former Pulau Ubin Community Centre started off as a simple zinc and wooden structure built by island residents in 1961. It became the island's community centre five years later in 1966.

Pulau Ubin residents visited the former community centre for community activities like movie screenings at the basketball court, a reading lounge stocked with newspapers and a table tennis room until its closure in October 2003.

Movie Screenings at the Former Pulau Ubin Community Centre
Crowds of up to 200 to 300 Pulau Ubin residents would turn up for the screening of movies at the community centre's basketball court in days past. These screenings would take place on average once every 4 months. The movie screen was a big piece of cloth tied to two poles in the basketball court.

Current Status of the Former Pulau Ubin Community Centre
Since late 2003, the former Pulau Ubin Community Centre has been repurposed into the Ubin Volunteer Hub, managed by NParks. The Volunteer Hub facilitates and coordinates volunteer activities on Pulau Ubin.

The former Pulau Ubin Community Centre started off as a simple zinc and wooden structure built by island residents in 1961.

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