Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Geylang Claypot Rice

639 Geylang Road, Lorong 33, Singapore 389570
[Get Directions](,103.887780&z=18)

Geylang Claypot Rice occupies a corner shophouse along Geylang Road near Lorong 33.

The claypot rice is cooked in an earthen pot, laden with a myriad of ingredients including Chinese sausages, generous chunks of well marinated chicken, waxed pork and bits of fragrant salted fish.
The end result is a claypot full of well-cooked rice with succulent meat, which when combined with other ingredients, makes this an excellent dish not to be missed. The rice is cooked upon ordering so the wait can take 25 minutes to one hour. Do call in advance.

**Geylang Claypot Rice**Tel: 67444574 / 67443619Opening hours: 11.30pm to 4pm (Lunch), 5pm to 12am (Dinner)

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