Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Hoon San Temple

location: 29 Jalan Lim Tai See S(268460)

Hoon San Temple (云山宫) is a temple dedicated to Lim Tai See and was founded by immigrants from Jiazhou village in Fujian, China in 1902. Lim Tai See, born during the Ming Dynasty in 1537, was renowned for his commitment to social justice and opposition to corruption. After his death in 1604, he was deified and several Hokkien communities in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and China built temples in his name.

Originally constructed using wood, Hoon San Temple underwent reconstruction with brick, masonry, and wood in 1920. From 2008-2011, craftsmen from China restored the intricate frescos and painted pillar carvings, which are notable features of the temple. The Hokkien style interlocking wooden beams and wall murals depicting the 24 stories of filial piety written during the Yuan Dynasty are other remarkable features.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the temple presented regular Chinese opera performances on a theatre stage near the temple, which attracted local residents including Malays from the neighboring Kampong Tempe. Despite linguistic and cultural differences, they enjoyed the shows.

Nowadays, Hoon San Temple and nearby Masjid Al-Huda have amicable relations and exchange food gifts during special occasions such as Lunar New Year and Hari Raya Puasa. In 2009, the Urban Redevelopment Authority acknowledged the temple's conservation status.

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