Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Masjid Muhajirin


275 Braddell Road
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Masjid Muhajirin, the first mosque in Toa Payoh town, was opened on 8 April 1977. It was constructed with community contributions and support from the Mosque Building Fund, initially known as the Mosque Building Fund, now called the Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund. The mosque's name comes from the Muhajirun group of Muslims who followed Prophet Muhammad on his journey from Mecca to Medina in the seventh century.

The Muslim Benevolent Society of Toa Payoh was formed in the late 1960s to offer aid to disadvantaged families. From 1971, the society and volunteers raised almost half the cost of nearly $900,000 for the mosque through donations from businesses, house-to-house collections, charity sales, and hawkers. The mosque featured an onion-shaped dome in a Persian-Indian architectural style atop its minaret when it was first built but was later rebuilt as part of the Singapore Islamic Hub and reopened in 2009.

Today, Masjid Muhajirin serves as a hub for Islamic education and congregation and symbolizes the community's self-sufficiency and solidarity, serving Muslims beyond Toa Payoh. The present-day mosque features archways, stylized floral designs, and geometric motifs that are characteristic of Islamic architecture. Its tiered roof is clad in ochre tiles and represents Malay design.

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