Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ngee Ann Cultural Centre

97 Tank Road, Singapore 238066

**Ngee Ann Kongsi Heritage Hall**

Ngee Ann Kongsi Heritage Hall was established in March 2003. The purpose is to commemorate the entrepreneurial and sacrificial spirit of the pioneers of Ngee Ann Kongsi. On display are archives and artifacts imbued with the rich history of Ngee Ann Kongsi. Some memorabilia include record books and accounts books written in Chinese ink from the 1920s, furniture used in the council meetings and incense holders from the Wak Hai Cheng Bio that date back to the 19th century. There are also wall features and multimedia kiosks that contain detailed information of the inception, development, contributions and achievements of Ngee Ann Kongsi.

**Ngee Ann Kongsi Collections Gallery**

Ngee Ann Kongsi Collections Gallery was officially opened in April 2004. Art pieces exhibited in this gallery are mainly acquired during the annual exhibitions organized by Ngee Ann Cultural Centre. Ngee Ann Kongsi aims to support artists and their causes by sponsoring exhibitions and acquisition of their artworks. Our growing collection comprises a variety of art mediums and themes. Exhibits in this gallery are updated periodically.

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