Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Singapore Philatelic Museum


23-B Coleman Street, Singapore 179807
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Discover the world through the postage stamp!
Opened in 1995, the Singapore Philatelic Museum is the first of its kind in the region, showcasing Singapore’s philatelic heritage and postal artefacts from the 1830s to today. The family-friendly galleries showcase philatelic materials which are a window to the significant events, history and heritage and cultures of a country. At the Room of Rarities, visitors can view some of the finest and most comprehensive collections of early Singapore from the 1830s to post-independence.

Come and find out Singapore and other countries at the museum’s colourful and interactive exhibitions. Ideal for those looking for a fun yet educational experience.

Visit Get DirectionsSingapore Philatelic Museum's website for more information.

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