Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

True Way Presbyterian Church


156B Stirling Road, Singapore 148947
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True Way Presbyterian Church is one of the nine churches in Queenstown. The Church was opened in 1961 to replace the old building located at Tras Street. In the Church compound stood a main sanctuary which could accommodate around 150 worshippers, a pastor’s quarters, classrooms and an administrative office.

Services were initially held in Hokkien and Mandarin because early members of the congregation comprised coolies and their families from Tras Street in Kreta Ayer. English speaking services and a youth congregation started later in 1970 when the English Youth Fellowship was Established.

The Church underwent major renovations in 1989 and 1997 to cater to its growing congregation. Today, the Church continues to play an important social role in the neighbourhood by providing counselling and education services.

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