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ambilla labu

/ahm-bee-l? lah-boo, ɑm?bi?l? ?lɑbu?/n. [ambilla (?) + Mal. labu gourd (Ridhwan)]  A Eurasian curry made of pork ribs and squash.
2010Huang Lijie The Sunday Times (LifeStyle), 14 February, 22 [H]ome-style Eurasian dishes such as.. ambilla labu, a pork rib and squash curry.ang ku kueh /ahng koo kueh, ɑ? ku? k?e?/ n. [Hk. ang red + ku tortoise; Mand. hóngguī + Kueh] Also angkoo kueh.  A sticky Chinese cake, usu. red in colour and shaped like a tortoise shell, filled with green bean paste.
2001David KraalThe Straits Times (Life!), 20 February, L6 There was angkoo kueh, not just the red ones but yellow and green and purple, sticky and sweet and super.  2006 Teo Pau Lin The Sunday Times (LifeStyle), 30 July, L27 Ang ku kueh are a paradox. As their name suggests, these Hokkien-originated “red tortoise cakes” are shaped to look like bone-hard tortoise shells. But when you bite into them, they are super soft, smooth and chewy. Their sticky skins are made with glutinous rice flour, although nonya versions have coconut milk and pandan juice added to them. Traditionally, their fillings are limited to peanut, green bean and salty green bean. But in recent years, newfangled versions have included durian, mango, coconut, yam, coffee and corn. Many shops have also resorted to using machines to make these steamed cakes, which are shaped like tortoise shells as some believe that by eating these long-living creatures, you, too, would enjoy a long life. .. I sampled ang ku kueh, which the Chinese traditionally eat on special occasions, from 10 shops last week.  2006 The Straits Times (from Straits Times Interactive), 15 October. Steamed rice-flour dough, for example, in nyonya kuih kosui and ang koo kuih skin, can also be given a firmer consistency by carefully measured amounts of alkaline water.  2009 Yen Feng The Straits Times (Home), 3 February, B5 Devotees streamed in and out of the temple [Thian Hock Keng], built in 1839, bearing red and sweet gifts symbolising prosperity and good tidings: rosy pillow-shaped buns, apples and stacked packets of ang ku kueh, a red-coloured glutinous rice cake.