Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Public Transportation, Buses in Singapore

Before the advent of trains and when cars were a symbol of status, buses were the preferred mode of transportation. Back then, buses were slow and the heat made the ride even more uncomfortable. However, many upgrades have been made to the buses since those days.

For starters, the introduction of air-conditioners into the buses meant a comfortable ride for passengers. And instead of having to search for loose change for bus fares, travelers can easily get from one point to another with an ez-link card, which can also be used on the MRT. Buses operate from 6 a.m to midnight, with fares ranging from S$0.90 to S$1.80 for all buses. The Ez-Link card will automatically deduct the fare upon each embarkation. With technological advancements, some buses now come equipped with onboard televisions and features that are more handicap-friendly.

The appeal of buses now lies in their more extensive coverage, with a wider range of alighting points compared to trains.

For more information on buses and trains, call TransitLink at 1800-767 4333.

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