Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Subway Niche


601 Balestier Road, Singapore 329903
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Subway Niche is a peranakan kueh stall that first started out in 1987 at Wisma Atria.

The kuehs are either sweet or savoury with ingredients such as coconut, gula Melaka and pandan used for its flavouring and the starchy, soft but firm textures of outer layers are mostly made of rice flour, tapioca flour and green bean flavour.

The American fast-food chain Subway, filed a lawsuit against Subway niche in 2007 for infringement of its registered trademark.

The battle finally ended after four years, in favour of Mr. Lim Eng Wah, owner of the Subway Niche, as the judge concluded that Subway niche had started its business before the trademark of Subway was registered in 1989.

Opening Hours: 8am - 5pm (Monday - Saturday)

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