Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Haji Shaikh Vali Ahmad


111A Whampoa Road, Singapore 322111

This Malay food stall has been known for its Nasi Briyani Dam since operations began in 1979. It seems fitting that Haji Sheikh Vali Ahmad also happens to be located on a piece of land that was purportedly inhabited by Malays in the early days of the British colonisation.

Malay cuisine is typically cooked with generous amounts of spices such as lemongrass, curry leavffes, turmeric and galangal.

Coconut milk, which gives Malay food its rich, creamy texture, is another instrumental component. In addition, the stall is also well-known for its home-made Rempeyek (ikan bilis fish and nut crackers), sardine and potato curry puff, roti boyan, lopez, putri salat, kueh lapis, pisang and kledek goreng.

Opening Hours: 5am-5pm daily.

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